I found the blurb interesting and thought I’d pick it up. This is a stand-alone novel written by one of my favorite authors. As usual, the character development was amazing and the author really does get into different people’s motivations very well. While this is a YA paranormal romance, it isn’t part of a series, and I think it should stay that way, personally.
I didn’t get into Hayden as much as some of JLArmentrout’s other boys, but he’s a decent enough type of guy. Ember was as usual easy to relate to and get into and I really did like her. Yet she isn’t like a super awesome character like Kat in the Lux series.
What sets this novel apart really is that there is a lot more mystery in it. It’s a bit of a who-dun-it type novel regarding to certain aspects of Ember’s past – or rather her death. Although, I kind of did see the villain coming a mile away. I really can’t wax poetically about the plot or characters.
So overall, a decent read, but nothing I’d write home about or give fangirl squeals over. I recommend this to any JLArmentrout fan as we all like to read her, but otherwise, it’s a decent read if you want to pick it up. Don’t expect the usual brilliance though. I rate it 3.5 stars!