I rather liked the second installment of the Power of the Moon series. The storyline of the second novel I liked even though it almost felt like two novels instead of one. There were two story arcs in the novel and I think if both were expanded a bit more and made into two novels it would have fit better. That being said, the way it was was just fine except half way through the book I thought I was near the end. A bit confusing, but overall plot wise, it did end up fitting together by the end, and that's all that matters.
Again, I love Cole - even if he did something I rather didn't like in this one - so he's still my favorite character. He's seems a lot more developed than anyone else as well. But I did like Mia more in this novel than the previous book. She seems a bit more put together and less like an annoying hindering influence for Cole to me. She of course is also more powerful and considering her trauma - a lot more was revealed here - its understandable that she has so many issues. Of course, I'm a little iffy on her having had SOOO many traumas of course. But she handled things a lot better in this novel and almost came into her own.
Also mysterious vampire Mia met towards the end of the book means more drama for our main couple as well the activities of Velvet throughout this novel. Her obsession with Cole seemed out of no where at first, though. Some of the subtext in the novel is a bit confusing because you're not really sure if it's supposed to be a bit clearer before the end of the book. But we'll see on next installments.
Writing was good and the dialog was much better second book around. I actually finished this in a couple sittings (in one day though as there was a sending mix-up), and I enjoyed the ride. I am looking forward for book three to come out! 4 stars!